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Online Learning

InnovOak School has offered online Senior School courses in the past and we have a level of expertise in meeting course requirements, while ensuring effective delivery of lessons. We use Zoom meetings for these lectures and each course uses an online log to document 110 hours of learning.

We do not offer online learning as a standard option, since we prefer students to be in person at the school each day. If there are unique circumstances, we will consider offering a credit via online learning.

Online learning does offer more flexibility of learning, however it is not useful for students expecting it to be less work than an in person course.

Online Learning Information

Students are asked to speak to a Guidance Coach, their Homeform Teacher, or someone from Student Services if you would like to know more. We can not offer a credit that spans two academic school years.

InnovOak School will not return the entire school to remote learning, unless mandated by government order. Our focus remains on having in person learning as we feel the social and emotional benefits of this stream are paramount to student wellbeing and development

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