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Specific Credit Requirements for Online Courses

  • Students are required to log in to MyInnovOak 3-5 times per week for the duration of the course

  • Teachers will expect that each student spends 3 hours completing the online activities within MyInnovOak as part of the 110 hours. Over a normal course this would be indicated on the course outline for 57 hours towards the credit hours needed for completion

  • The additional 53 hours will be made up of a variety of learning activities that will be shared in the course outline and planned by the teacher

  • This additional offline or Asynchronous work will require a minimum commitment of 3.25 hours to meet the minimum credit hours

  • Students will be expected to devote 6.25 hours of time to online class activities which is the equivalent to spending 75 minutes in class for a full week

  • Homework and independent projects (like in a face to face course) will require additional time commitments

  • For the online requirements, attendance is taken by teacher finding evidence of logging in and online participation for each of the login sessions. For example, this task may be to post something and respond to other students’ comments around their postings. Each day may require something unique and a response serves as the attendance and participation component for the course

  • Course hours cannot be granted if a student is not regularly logging in and not completing these requirements over the course duration; teachers and administrators will follow up with students who fail to meet attendance and achievement benchmarks

  • Students must also maintain a learning log that outlines the hours they have worked on specific tasks from the course outline

  • Teachers will assign a reflection piece, schedule a learning conversation, or request that students complete another course appropriate activity in order to help gauge student understanding and mastery of the subject matter at any time during the course of study. These activities will be considered as part of the 110 hours of on-line learning

  • Online course content is set at 110 hours (not including homework)

  • Student participation requirements and specific due dates will be shared upon course registration

  • Teachers will track student activity and engage in discussions with them on a daily basis

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