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Online Attendance

Teachers will take regular attendance at the start of each online class and at one other time prior to the end of class as class activity permits. If a student is not present at the start of class, they will be marked absent. The second online attendance will be taken at a random time. If a student has left the class, this will be considered an unapproved absence for the full class.

If a student leaves class early without permission to do so, this will also be noted and tracked by the classroom teacher. Students who arrive late to class will have this recorded as well if students arrive within 15 minutes of the start of class.

All students who report to class after this point will be marked absent for attendance purposes, unless the teacher has given the student permission for the late start prior to the beginning of class.

InnovOakā€™s regular attendance policies will apply for online school. While there is a convenience in online learning, students will still be expected to participate in class whether activities are synchronous or asynchronous.

For particular classes where the instructor is not taking attendance at the start of class, login and logout times within MyInnovOak will be used as the attendance markers.

Students who demonstrate irregular online attendance will be required to meet with the principal and discuss their suitability for on-line learning. Students who fail to log in to the online platform for 5 consecutive days without medical excusal will have a meeting with their parent/guardians and the school administrative staff to develop an attendance action plan.

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