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Visitors and Volunteers

Guests are always welcome at InnovOak and are often part of many opportunities for classroom and course involvement. For the safety of all concerned, we insist that all visitors check in at the main office to let us know they are in the school and also to wear a volunteer badge when they are in classrooms and hallways. While this may seem restrictive for visitors to Senior School, please remember that InnovOak school has students that are as young as 2 ½ in our building.

If you wish to meet with a specific staff member, it is wise to call ahead and make an appointment as teachers are instructed not to conduct meetings at their classroom door.

If your student has forgotten a project, gym clothes, or their lunch, please drop it off at the office, and we will make sure that your child picks it up. Please do not text your student directly as this will interrupt instructional time.

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