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Wellbeing Supports

Working within a small and supportive community, the InnovOak School teachers are able to work with students on an individual basis throughout the school year. All teachers take part in regular meetings with guidance counsellors, learning resource teachers, and administrators to identify any student concerns, academic or otherwise, that may arise including the careful tracking of any student at risk of not graduating.

Guidance coaches, learning resource teachers, and administrators work collaboratively with students and parents to identify strategies or interventions that may be required to support students experiencing difficulty. This group is called the Student Success or School Based Team.

The Student Success team meets weekly to discuss academic, emotional and social concerns of our students. School staff may also work directly with families to provide information about community-based service providers that may support them.

Community-based services may include private counselors or therapists, in addition to free community resources, including:

  • Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868 or

  • Waterloo Region Crisis Line: 1-844-437-3247

  • Front Door Child & Youth Mental Health: 519-749-2932

  • Online counselling:

  • Walk-in Counselling:

    • Tuesday: 12pm-6:30pm at Lutherwood, 35 Dickson St. Cambridge

    • Wednesday: 12pm-6:30pm at Front Door, 1770 King St. E, Kitchener

    • Thursday: 9am-3:30pm at Langs, 1145 Concession Rd., Cambridge

    • Saturday: 9am-3:30pm at Front Door, 1770 King St. E, Kitchener

  • In Ayr, Wellesley, New Hamburg, or Elmira: call 519-749-2932

InnovOak School has a list of approved professionals that offer intake to our students and families based upon having been vetted for approval. If you feel a private counsellor or social worker may be of value to your family or your student, please contact the Principal directly for a confidential referral.

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