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Scope of Available Supports

The Student Services Department promotes an open-door policy in order to welcome, listen to, assist and inform students.

It is the task of Student Services, in cooperation with teachers and parents, to provide students the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to:

  • Successfully deal with personal and academic barriers to learning

  • Support mental health initiatives within the school

  • Refer students to external resource providers when needed

  • Support and advocate for students via the Student Success Team

  • Manage learning accommodations, GLE requirements and a range of Special Education services when needed

  • Support teachers in the creation of IEPS and provide meaningful collaboration on accommodations

  • Work with teachers to modify learning goals, curriculum expectations and ensure differentiated assessments are being used when needed

  • Develop appropriate short- and long-range educational plans

  • Manage medical exemptions, concussion return to learning, and other accommodations throughout the semester

  • Act as long-term program advocates for students (through case management)

  • Work with students to explore a variety of career options including the completion of Individual Pathways Plans

  • Manage course selection and provide pathways for timetable generation

  • Oversee the prerequisite courses as part of course selection

  • Support students with sessions and information on college, university and other post-secondary applications

  • Monitor students where credits are at risk and ensure plans are followed

  • Provide Resource support and check in times to help students when needed

  • Assist in finding volunteer opportunities

Student Services seeks to meet these aims through formal and informal instruction, individual and group counselling, the coordination of combined efforts from various sources, and by providing students with accurate, up-to-date information on educational and vocational choices.

The aims above are emphasized throughout the high school years. In grades 9-12, the emphasis shifts allow students to explore the various educational avenues in preparation for meaningful vocational pursuits.

The school’s Guidance Coaches will be available to meet with students, both formally and through drop-in times, online meetings, or by appointment.

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