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Restrictive Use of Electronics

Students are prohibited from using electronic devices in certain areas such as school assemblies, testing situations, change-rooms, or washrooms within the school premises.

The privacy, dignity and wellbeing of all students is prioritized over access to any particular device

For Primary, Junior, and Middle School students, electronic devices (other than laptops) should not be brought to school unless necessary and must remain at home otherwise. Senior School students may use phones or music devices during non-instructional time if approved by the teacher.

Devices should not be taken outdoors during any school activity. If a device is multipurpose, (such as a watch), students will be allowed to use the device only for its specific purpose and not for any alternative use (photos, recording, messaging). If the technology interferes with other students, or the teaching flow, the student will not be able to have it at school

In some senior classes, students may use specific devices if permitted by the teacher. However, guidelines for device usage will vary by teacher and class and will be communicated at the beginning of each term or semester. We discourage any use of personal electronics, especially during interactions with others. Teachers will ask students to put away devices during the school day to maintain focus and healthy relationships. Senior students using phones should do so purposefully, avoiding prolonged use for games or social media.

A progressive set of consequences will be used when senior students fail to use their personal electronic devices appropriately. This may begin with reminders and lead to escalating device time out. Refusal to turn off technology, leave it inaccessible, or allow it to remain with a teacher during the school day turns the issue into one about respecting authority.

School is a learning first environment where personal relationships, collaboration, and fundamental skills are practiced both in and out of class activities. Gaming, social media, and other isolating activities are not considered supportive of the day-to-day agenda.

InnovOak School is proud to support parents chosing not to introduce cell phones to their children prior to Grade 9. Most parents have made this a priority and you will find a larger degree of support from other parents, teachers, and administration in support of this goal

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