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Responsible Use of Technology

Technology is used for all modes of learning at InnovOak School. Whether the device has been provided or a student is using their own device, the use, content, and guidelines listed will apply to all students and all devices.

InnovOak technology resources have been established for educational purposes. Each student is assigned an InnovOak School account for the duration of their enrolment at InnovOak School.

Students who wish to use our network and access the Internet must first read and agree to abide by the conditions stipulated in the Responsible Use of Technology Commitment that is sent to students annually in the August mailing or given to students upon their enrolment. This commitment extends to student behavior and activity both in school and during e-learning classes.

The Responsible Use of Technology Commitment states:

  • Understands that their InnovOak School account, computer equipment and Wi-Fi are for educational purposes only.

  • Understands that these accounts are not for personal or recreational use at any time.

  • Schoolwork is the only acceptable norm for Wi-Fi use at InnovOak School regardless of the device used.

  • Activity on these accounts is regularly monitored by administration throughout the school day.

  • Will be fully responsible for this account and understands that any misuse of the account by anyone is their responsibility. This means that they will keep their password private at all times and log off whenever their computer is unattended.

  • Agrees to work only in those areas permitted by the teacher or supervisor. They will not make any attempt to explore the network or any system without express consent of the supervising teacher.

  • Will use appropriate language at all times. Material of a violent, racist, sexist or pornographic nature is not appropriate.

  • Understands that the bandwidth that we all share for the internet is limited. Therefore, they will only use this account to download or stream data that is directly related to school work. Further, students are not permitted to stream video, movies or music in order to preserve valuable bandwidth for others.

  • Is aware that all communication that comes through their account, as well as the files stored on their account are visible to administration at all times and that activity which is inappropriate, dangerous, harmful to the school climate, or in any other way runs contrary to the InnovOak School Code of Conduct will be addressed by administration.

Disregarding any of the above stipulations will result in action deemed appropriate by school administration including the possible loss of computer account privileges. When signing this agreement, it indicates the student, and parent/guardian have read and will abide by the stipulations above.

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