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Modification to Curriculum, IEPS and IPRCs

Note: InnovOak School may not be able to meet the needs of students who wish to attend our school and whom may have a previous Individual Education Plan that identifies accommodations beyond those supports available at the school.

Modifications are changes made to the grade-level expectations for a subject or course in order to meet a student’s specialized learning needs. Modifications may include the use of expectations at a different grade level and/or an increase or decrease in the number and/or complexity of expectations relative to the curriculum expectations for the regular grade level. InnovOak School does not offer modified courses of study.

As well students who have a significant learning issue that has been identified through a psychoeducational assessment may require more support than are available. Please make an appointment with the principal to discuss these issues and see if we can modify, accommodate, and support your student.

Our small class sizes, distraction free school culture, and our relationship-based learning environment are often the keys to students regaining their potential and success. Students who respond to a coaching environment, are able to self-regulate, and are willing to improve their learning outcomes are ideal candidates (even with an IEP).

Please ensure you have full documentation as to any learning challenges and prior interventions beyond placement on an IEP. Some school use an IEP as a way to minimize provided learning pathways rather than create an IEP to genuinely help students. InnovOak strives to support students within the classroom and regular school day. While acceptance or continuation is not guaranteed, InnovOak School will be fully transparent around the supports we can and cannot provide to any student.

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