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Learning Commons

InnovOak School Learning Commons strives to be a 21st century learning environment which encourages inquiry, imagination, discovery and creativity through the connection of learners to information, to each other and to communities around the world. This is accomplished by providing access to a wide variety of materials, instruction in their use, and working with students to improve their information access skills. We strive to accommodate all learners and address multiple learning styles and learning levels. (Adapted from OSLA Together for Learning). In the current school year, this space is in development.

We provide:

  • regular hours of operation during the day as well as before and after classes

  • multiple spaces for individual, small group, and whole class learning

  • management of student information resources and work-spaces, both physical and virtual

  • resources that support course work, and literature that inspires reading for pleasure

  • technology is available for classes and individual student work

  • open WiFi for academic use.

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