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Focus of Assessment and Evaluation

Our adherence to Growing Success from JK- Grade 12 ensures that we are preparing students for Grade 9. The same quality that ensures a successful inspection for the OSSD granting status is also applied to the quality of assessment and evaluation activities for JK-Grade 8. The following information has been compiled. Parents should read and understand how Growing Success applies to their classroom program as well.

The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. InnovOak School believes that such improvement necessarily requires:

  • Practices and procedures that are fair and transparent

  • Practices that support all students (including those students who speak English as a Second Language and those students with Individual Education Plans)

  • Proactive communication with parents that ensures that parents understand curricular achievement charts, including levels of achievement (limited, some, considerable and high degree or thorough), categories of achievement (knowledge and understanding, thinking, communication and application), and demonstrations of achievements (observations and student products)

  • An effective in class program for JK-8 that prepares students to be successful each day, each month, and each year. Students in Grades 3 and 6 are measured using EQAO results – not for their abilities but to measure how we can ensure their success

  • An effective tracking system for literacy and numeracy skill development. We use our own proprietary program to manage and track success through each grade from JK-12.

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