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English Language Learner (ELL) Support

English language learners are students whose first language is a language other than English or is a variety of English that is significantly different from the variety used for instruction in Ontario’s schools, and who may require focused educational supports to assist them in attaining proficiency in English.

These students may be Canadian born or recently arrived from other countries. They come from diverse backgrounds and school experiences and have a wide variety of strengths and needs.

The initial assessment procedure will include a structured test/ interview process to assess:

  • oral communication skills (i.e., listening and speaking)

  • an assessment of reading comprehension

  • an assessment of student writing

  • and an assessment of mathematical knowledge and skills, if deemed appropriate

Placement within courses and programs will be at the discretion of the Student Success Team and are based on placements that ensure successful completion for the OSSD. To maintain integrity of our programs and our credit granting process, we will rely on the evidence provided during our assessments only and completion of any prerequisite ESL programming from Ontario schools.

We use the Duolingo English Test for our assessment. If students have testing completed such as TOEFL or IELTS, or comparable international testing, we will use these results when appropriate. This would be a decision made by the principal.

Orientation programs for new students to Canada will include information about school routines, programs, and activities; explanation of school policies, (including assessment, evaluation, reporting policies and homework policies); explanation of the overall school structure; and information about community activities and supports.

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