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LifeREADY - Education and Career/Life Planning Program

InnovOak School’s signature LifeREADY program goes well beyond the traditional guidance approach in most schools and actively engages students in preparing for their post-graduation realities. Besides adulting, foundational skills, and building life awareness, our Guidance Coaches also ensure post-secondary career planning is incorporated into the LifeREADY courses that lead to the IHSGD

Creating Pathways to Success sets out the career development policy for Ontario schools. The goals of the education and career/life planning program are to:

  • Ensure that students develop the knowledge and skills they need to make informed education and career/life choices through the effective application of a four-step inquiry process;

  • Provide opportunities for this learning both in and outside the classroom;

  • Engage parents and the broader community in the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program to support students in their learning.

Individual Pathways Plan

An individual pathway plan (IPP) must be developed by the student, their parents/guardians, and teacher advisor during each year of high school and is a requirement for all grades 7-12. Students are responsible for establishing and maintaining their IPP.

The intent of the IPP is to assist students in the four-step inquiry process. Each student will be given the opportunity to develop a comprehensive career/life-planning program. The four aspects of the inquiry process are:

  • Knowing Yourself

  • Exploring Opportunities

  • Making Decisions and Setting Goals

  • Achieving Goals and Making Transitions

The IPP will include the extracurricular activities, cooperative education programs and work experience opportunities in which the student plans to participate. The plan will be reviewed at least twice a year; one of those times will be in conjunction with the annual course selection process. This process is part of LifeREADY in our Senior School classes.

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