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Child Custody Policy

If you have a developing family custody issue, please be aware that we cannot act on verbal instructions from one parent to refuse legal access to the other parent unless we have a certified court order. We are only interested in the access and visitation components of any order as it would pertain to how we enforce or restrict parental rights.

For all students under the age of 18, we ask that custody arrangements are shared with us. This confidential documentation should only be shared with the principal and is kept in the OSR.

Parents are asked to complete Form 3003a Child Cusdody Arrangements and have both parents sign the document. If only one parent is submitting the form, a court order is required.

AP3003 Child Custody Arrangements

AP3003 Child Custody Arrangements.pdf

Form 3003a Documenting Custody Arrangements

AP3003 Child Custody Arrangements.pdf

Please contact the office if you need further clarification.

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